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In this section you can find both:

  • Press Releases (and Press Notes): communication with the purpose of announcing a newsworthy element of an Authority provision, directed primarily to journalists.
  • Technical Profiles: brief summaries describing the key elements of an Authority resolution, directed primarily to operators, analysts and specialized journalists.
  • Decisions of particular interest


27.12.24 Electricity: Standard offer +18.2% in Q1 2025 for vulnerable customers The increase due to the dynamics of gas prices on the wholesale market: geopolitical instability and winter temperatures weigh heavily. Expenditure in the rolling year will be € 523 (-2.1%) Press release
12.12.24 Electricity: new 2024/2025 target levels to reduce outages in distribution networks and improve customer service ARERA determines parameters to encourage convergence across the country towards the highest standards Press release
10.12.24 Andrea Guerrini appointed Vice-President of WAREG Permanent international recognition for ARERA comes from the General Assembly of the Association of European Regulators in the drinking water and wastewater sector Press release
04.12.24 ARERA consolidates its commitment in Europe and the Mediterranean through the vice-presidency of MEDREG The General Assembly appoints the new board and defines the new lines of development for the next two years Press release
03.12.24 Gas: ARERA communicates the value of the commodity of the “Vulnerability Protection Service” of November 2024 (+4.6% compared to October) Press release
14.11.24 Stefano Saglia reconfirmed as Chairperson of the Balkan Energy School The appointment was made at the 5th General Assembly held today. The Association's new website for sharing information and resources was also presented Press release
06.11.24 Electricity social bonuses: discounts on bills for 9,000 families unblocked after Tax Police and ARERA checks Electricity bonuses disbursed immediately of € 1.7 million out of € 3.6 million Press release
05.11.24 Gas: ARERA communicates the value of the commodity of the Vulnerability Protection Service of October 2024 (+5.3% compared to September) Press release
27.09.24 Electricity: Standard offer + 8.8% in Q4 2024 for vulnerable customers The increase due to the dynamics of the natural gas market. Expenditure during the year will be € 498 (-27.2%) Press release
24.09.24 High-level Conference on Advancing Connectivity: Fostering Interconnection Capacities and EU Integration of the Eastern Partnership Press release
09.07.24 ARERA: THE FIGURES OF PUBLIC SERVICES The volumes of ARERA’s Annual Report are now on-line. 2023 data for electricity, gas, water, waste and district heating Press release
02.07.24 Gas: ARERA communicates the commodity value of the Vulnerability Protection Service for June 2024 (+3.8% vs May) Press release
27.06.24 Electricity: from 1 July 3.7 million non-vulnerable customers on the Standard Offer Service automatically switch to the Gradual Standard Offer Service. First update of the Standard Offer for vulnerable customers’ bills only: +12% in Q3 2024 Press release
12.06.24 The Presidents of the Mediterranean Energy Regulators and the Leading Industry Cooperate to Grasp the Energy Complementarities of the Northern and Southern Shores Press release
03.05.24 Gas: ARERA communicates the commodity value of the Vulnerability protection service of April 2024 Press release
03.04.24 Gas: ARERA communicates the commodity value of the Vulnerability Protection Service of March 2024 Press release
28.03.24 Electricity: bills down 19.8% in the second quarter of 2024 Last Protection Regime price update for non-vulnerable customers Press release
13.03.24 End of Standard Offer Service: ARERA-Consumer Associations table kicks off, focus on information and guarantees for Gradual Standard Offer Service Press release
04.03.24 Gas: ARERA communicates the commodity value of the Vulnerability Protection Service of February 2024 Press release
14.02.24 Electric car: “smart trials” resume of ARERA and GSE Press release
02.02.24 Gas: ARERA communicates the commodity value of the Vulnerability Protection Service Press release
01.02.24 Disasters: new measures for the populations affected by the floods in Emilia-Romagna and the earthquake in Central Italy Press release
03.01.24 Gas: bill at -6.7% for consumption in December. Last update for protected households Press release


29.12.23  Water: new tariff method (MTI-4) and new rules for technical quality Press release
28.12.23 Electricity: protected electricity bill -10.8% in the first quarter of 2024 Press release
13.12.23 Energy: Clara Poletti, ARERA Commissioner, confirmed for the third time as Chair of the ACER Board of Regulators  Press release
09.12.23 Energy DL: ARERA postpones auctions to 10 January for the end of electricity protection for non-vulnerable customers  Press release
04.12.23 Gas: bill at -1.3% for consumption in November Press release
14.11.23 ARERA wins PA smart working award for innovation in working methods Press release
03.11.23 Gas: bill at +12% for consumption in October Press release
02.08.23 Gas: bill at -2.1% for consumption in July Press release
28.07.23 Electricity: more security, participation and efficiency at lower cost with new dispatching rules Press release
11.07.23 ARERA: the figures for public utilities. The volumes of ARERA’s Annual Report are now on-line. 2022 data for electricity, gas, water and waste. Press release
04.07.23 Gas: bill at -1.1% for June consumption Press release
28.06.23 Electricity: protected electricity bill almost unchanged at +0.4% Press release
15.06.23 GdF-ARERA: more controls on supplier activities in view of the end of electricity and gas standard offer service Press release
15.06.23 Flood: 4-month suspension of payment deadlines for electricity, gas, water and waste bills Press release
06.06.23 Clara Poletti receives the Tecnovisionarie Award Press release
05.06.23 Gas: substantially stable, -0.2%, for May consumption Press release
19.05.23 Emilia-Romagna emergency: urgent ruling by ARERA for the suspension of payment of water, electricity, gas and waste bills Press release
03.05.23 Gas: bill at +22.4% for consumption in April 2023, but rolling year expenditure at -3.9% Press release
19.04.23 Utility bills: electricity and gas payments respected in 2022 Press release
04.04.23 Gas: further drop in the bill -13.4% for consumption in March 2023 Press release
31.03.23 Kick-off of BES, the Balkan Energy School Press release
30.03.23 Electricity: -55.3% for the protected bill due to the sharp drop in wholesale prices Press release
08.03.23 Andrea Guerrini reappointed as president of WAREG, the European Water Regulators association Press release
02.03.23 Gas: bill still down -13% for consumption in February 2023 Press release
02.02.23 Gas: gas bill significantly down (34.2%) for consumption in January 2023 Press release
03.01.23 Gas: gas bill up (+23.3%) for consumption in December 2022 Press release


16.12.22 Balkan Energy School is established to support regional market integration with the EU and promote the energy transition Press release
02.12.22 Gas: gas bill up (+13.7%) for consumption in November Press release
08.11.22 Regulators approved the allocation of capacity for TAP expansion Press release
03.11.22 Gas: gas bill down (-12.9%) for consumption in October Press release
19.10.22 Energy: Retail Monitoring for 2021 published Press release
13.10.22 Energy - Contractual changes possible only under specific condition Press release
29.09.22 Energy: extraordinary measure of ARERA avoids the doubling of prices, limiting the increase to +59% Press release
29.07.22 Gas: uncertainty and high prices call for new procedures for updating the cost of the commodity for users on protection regime offers Press release
15.07.22 ARERA: the figures for public utilities Press release
30.06.22 Energy: electricity (+0.4%) and gas are stable Press release
14.06.22 “Monitoring of supply contracts for the import of gas into Italy” report sent to Parliament and the Government Press release
10.06.22 The European Forum of Electricity Regulation concluded in Rome Press release
17.05.22 Initial guidelines: Tariff regulation criteria for the natural gas transmission and metering service for the sixth regulatory period (6PRT) Executive summary - Consultation document 213/2022/R/gas 
11.05.22 GdF-ARERA: Joint controls in 2021 lead to the recovery of Euro 18.2 million, mainly in Energy Press release
29.04.22 WATER: First analysis of the Technical Quality of water service in Italy published. 26 companies on the podium, with differences between north and south. Press release
27.04.22 Gas: ARERA approves further emergency measures
to encourage filling of storage
Press release
30.03.22 Energy: -10.2% for electricity and -10% for gas. The Authority approves first bill reduction in 18 months. Extended and enhanced bonus for families in need Press release
14.01.22 The new ARERA Strategic Framework 2022-2025 has been approved Press release
12.01.22 Andrea Guerrini appointed member of the OECD Network of Economic Regulators Press release


30.12.21 Energy: commodity prices lead to 55% increase for electricity and 41.8% for gas. Government intervention limits worst-case scenarios. Families facing hardship protected from the increase Press release
27.12.21 Electricity: new mechanism to reduce dispatching costs launched Press release
16.12.21 Energy: the Balkan Energy School launches in 2022 Press release
03.12.21 Electricity: with ARERA regulation, the number and duration of outages for consumers are reduced again Press release
28.09.21 Energy: Government intervention reduces the impact of increases,+ 29.8% for electricity and + 14.4% for gas. Zero impact on families facing hardship Press release
09.07.21 ARERA: figures for public utilities Press release
30.06.21 Energy: + 9.9% for electricity and + 15.3% for gas Press release
25.06.21 Electricity: as of 1 July, small companies that have not opted for the free market will be assigned to the ‘gradual standard offer service’ Press release
28.05.21 Electricity: Italy ready for the European intraday electricity market Press release
03.05.21 Electric cars: 225 chargers analysed, with variable costs for slow and fast. 1200 euros on average for "smart" wallboxes

The contents of the first ARERA survey of electric car charging systems
Press release and sheet
21.04.21 GdF-ARERA: 14 million euros recovered following joint inspections in 2020, 9 million euros in fines Press release
29.03.21 Energy: increase in the prices of raw materials, electricity + 3.8% and gas + 3.9% Press release
25.02.21 Water, electricity, gas: automatic bonuses for over 2.6 million families experiencing economic hardship, by submitting the ISEE Press release
05.02.21 Energy and environment: over 10.3 million euros recovered in 2020 for consumers through the Conciliation Service Press release


29.12.20 Energy: rising raw material prices cause +4.5% hike for electricity and +5.3% for gas Press release
25.11.20 Electricity: standard offer service ending for small companies from 1 January 2021, but gradually Press release
19.11.20 Electricity: with ARERA regulation 112 million euros returned to consumers because of the network outages Press release
13.11.20 ARERA, the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy and Environment, celebrates its 25th anniversary Press release
11.11.20 Water: Guerrini reappointed as President of WAREG,the European water regulators association Press release
07.10.20 Energy markets in Greece, future prospects in the Region Press release
29.09.20 Energy: after sharp drops, a rebound for electricity + 15.6% and gas + 11.4% with higher consumption and economic recovery Press release
07.08.20 Electricity: ARERA simplifies "DIY" renewables Press release
06.08.20 GdF-ARERA: joint inspections resumed, in 2019 disputed irregularities amounted to 33 million euro Press release
21.07.20 Executive summary: Electricity market monitoring Report (Annex A)- Resolution 282/2020/E/eel 
21.07.20 ARERA: public service figures  - 2019 figures for electricity, gas, water, waste in the Authority's Annual Report, now online Press release
14.07.20 Waste: the tariff method and measures during COVID-19 Press release
10.07.20 ARERA: Roberto Malaman appointed new Secretary General of the Authority Press release
03.07.20 Water: ARERA authorised 18 million euros of investments on aqueducts Press release
02.07.20 Regulation on municipal waste in Europe ARERA on the front line Press release
25.06.20 Energy: gas drops further at -6.7%, with electricity at + 3.3% for system stability Press release
27.05.20 Water, electricity and gas bills: In any case, consumption over 2 years can be prescribed Press release
26.05.20 Coronavirus: small businesses to see their bills reduced by €600 million Press release
29.04.20 Coronavirus: new extension for renewing the Social Bonuses Press release
26.03.20 Energy: sharp reduction of -18.3% for electricity and -13.5% for gas Press release
18.03.20 Coronavirus: for the 11 "former red zone” municipalities water, electricity, gas, and waste bills are suspended until 30 April Press release
18.03.20 Coronavirus: more time to renew the social bonus Press release
12.03.20 Coronavirus: ARERA blocks disconnections for arrears for electricity, gas and water bills Press release
21.02.20 Energy: Regulators in the Balkans for a single EU market. In Sofia phase 3 of the “KEP” Press release
19.02.20 Electric mobility: introducing a smart charging system to avoid peaks in the distribution systems and consequent possible network tariff increases Press release
18.02.20 Energy and Environment Consumer Help Desk: 10 years supporting consumers Press release
12.02.20 ARERA at the Albania Energy Roundtable as part of the project for the development of energy markets in the Balkans Press release


30.12.19 Water: tariff methodology approved for 2020-2023 Press release
27.12.19 Energy: strong reduction for electricity -5.4%, slight adjustment for gas + 0.8% Press release
13.12.19 Energy: ARERA published the 2018 Retail Market Monitoring Report Press release
27.11.19 Energy: The EU, Italy and the Balkans get closer in 2020 Press release
31.10.19 Waste: new tariff method and first transparency rules introduced Press release
24.10.19 Gas: ARERA meets GASREG, the Egyptian gas authority Press release
24.09.19 Energy: electricity at +2.6% and gas at +3.9% Press release
11.09.19 Waste: by the end of 2019 the first national tariff method and new transparency rules Press release
04.09.19 Electricity: with capacity market parameters having been defined, everything is ready for the launch of the mechanism Press release
02.08.19 Electricity and gas: 52 million calls to operators' call centres and over 500,000 written complaints Press release
31.07.19 Waste: consultations begin on first tariff method Press release
10.07.19 Waste: first tariff method by the end of the year Press release
01.07.19 Automating the Social bonus on the bill for those who are entitled to Press release
27.06.19 Energy: green light to the electricity and gas “Portale Consumi” from 1st July Press release
25.06.19 Energy: from July gas bills still declining, -6.9%, slight increase for electricity, +1.9% Press release
19.06.19 Awareness, innovation and uniform development in the ARERA Strategic Framework Press release
05.06.19 Italy - Malta pipeline: ARERA and REWS allocate costs to the Maltese system Press release
29.05.19 Avoiding the use of general bill charges for non-energy purposes, risk of impact on households and companies Press release
10.04.19 ARERA’s 2019-2021 Strategic framework published, consultation now underway Press release
09.04.19 Energy: ARERA in Albania for the integration of markets Press release
28.03.19 GdF-ARERA: 260 million euros from 2018 inspections on energy, water and gas Press release
26.03.19 Energy: bills to drop from 1st of April. Electricity - 8,5%, Gas -9.9% Press release
15.03.19 Water: international conference in Lisbon on tariffs sustainability Press release
28.03.19 GdF-ARERA: 260 million euros from 2018 inspections on energy, water and gas Press release
15.03.19 Water: international conference in Lisbon on tariffs sustainability Press release
12.03.19 Energy: 4.4 million euro recovered by consumers with the Conciliation Service in 2018 Press release
25.02.19 Electricity: ARERA meets the Regulatory Authority of Morocco Press release
14.02.19 Water and waste: memorandum of understanding on regulation between ARERA and the Portuguese Authority Press release


27.12.18 Energy: electricity, realignment of charges with fixed prices (-0.08%), gas +2,3% Press release
21.12.18 Energy: more customers in the free market with preference for the incumbent supplier, the number of sellers is growing Press release
18.12.18 ARERA appoints New Heads of the Energy Division and Environment Division Press release
17.12.18 Energy: the third phase of development of the Portale Offerte is completed, ready to compare all the offers on the free market Press release
05.12.18 Electricity: the last phase of the tariff reform for general charges of domestic customers deferred until 2020 Press release
14.11.18 Energy: from 1 January 2019 reduced prescription from 5 to 2 years also for gas bills Press release
13.11.18 Energy: ARERA appoints the Commissioner for CSEA (Energy and Environmental Services Fund) Press release
27.09.18 Energy: ARERA freezes electricity charges to limit sharp increases from the record levels of raw materials Press release
26.09.18 Water: Guerrini appointed president of Wareg, the European Association of Water Regulators Press release
18.09.18 Energy: Green light to Portale Offerte second phase, the old Trova Offerte closed Press release
30.08.18 New ARERA Board takes office - Payment of water, electricity, gas and waste bills suspended for families displaced following the collapse of the Morandi bridge Press release
10.07.18 Water: conciliation service for unresolved complaints starts from July Press release
28.06.18 Energy: international tensions and oil price increase electricity +6.5% and gas +8.2% Press release
29.03.18 Energy: from April a sharp fall in both electricity and gas prices -8% and -5.7% respectively) Press release
23.02.18 Electricity: requirement reduced from 5 to 2 years for delayed and balancing invoices from 1st March Press release
02.02.18 Energy: set-up of the online portal to compare the best electricity and gas offer of the market Press release
22.01.18 Electricity: satisfaction for the approval of the Italian capacity market Press release
22.01.18 Provisions on the division of the significant grid into BIDDING zones and start of division review pursuant to regulation 2015/1222 (CACM) Technical profile
05.01.18 With the new responsibility for waste regulation, the Authority becomes ARERA, Autorità di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente (The Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment) Press release